The journey and experiences of Swami Akhandanand Ji

Swami Akhandanand Ji Maharaj is the founder
of Akhand Mahayog. This is a path of Awakening ‘Kundalini’ Shakti. Akhand
Mahayog is an integration of Mantra Yog, Laya Yog, Hatha Yog, and Raj yog.
Different yogic paths practiced by yogis and practitioners lead to awakening of

Swami Akhandanand Ji’s journey of spirituality and divinity and his life experiences

!! Om Alakh Niranjan !!

Chapter 1- Guru Ji’s birth and family history

Guru Ji’s birth and family background:

Swami Akhandanand Ji (referred to as Guru Ji) was born on February 24th, 1967 in a village called Nibali in the Bagpat district of Uttar Pradesh. He was named Shree Ramesh Chandra Bhardwaj Ji and his family hails from a farming community belonging to the spiritually devoted and religious Brahman sect of Hindu religion. His father was Shree Tilak Ram Sharma Ji, and mother was Shreemati Sheela Devi. Being a Brahmin, Guru Ji was a spiritually inclined person being pure at heart and mind, devoted towards and always eager to do seva (service) of the holy saints, used to chant holy and sacred mantras and prayers. He was the youngest child in the family comprising of six children.

The miraculous and astonishing story of Guruiji’s birth:

Guru Ji was born under special circumstances that need to be told before going further. The incident goes like this. Guru ji’s mother was admitted in Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital under special circumstances almost one year before his birth. The doctors declared that his mother’s condition was critical and she was very weak and baby’s life was also in danger as he too was in a critical condition. An operation was not possible for delivery as it posed a life threatening situation.

They just told to pray to god for the survival and health of both the mother and the child. After almost a year, Guru Ji was born which is a rare phenomena in itself.

Special occasions and change of events in the family after Guriji’s birth:

Prior to Guru Ji’s birth, the family was facing various troubles like; family members suffering from diseases, lack of milk yield extracted from the cows, and lack of funds and prosperity in the family. His birth brought about fortune and prosperity in the family. Cows started yielding more milk, the health of family members improved, bringing in prosperity and happiness in the family.

Recollecting memories and events about past life:

After a span of three years from Guru Ji’s birth, he told and described his past life memories which astonished everyone and it became an issue of curiosity in the neighborhood. He was a playful child and life continued at its normal pace.

Bonding with saint, ‘Shree Dandi Swami Ji Maharaj’ and blossoming love for the supreme lord:

Swami Akhandanand Ji came into contact with Dandi Swami; Shree Ram Kripal Upadhyay Ji, who had attained ‘sanyasa deeksha’ i.e. renouncing worldly and materialistic things and being absorbed in spirituality and meditation from Ram Ashram and was travelling throughout India. Swami Ji used to be engaged in prayers and ‘bhajan satsangs’, meditation and social welfare activities. He was an advanced yogi and stayed in a room in a village temple.

Being devoted towards Swami Ji, Guru Ji dedicated himself selflessly for his service and read scriptures such as Ramayana, Hanuman Chalisa, Shiv Chalisa, Shiva Purana, and sing Bhajans and Kirtans for Swami Ji. Swami Ji used to conduct satsang in the evening and recite stories of great devotees like Prahlad, Nachiketa which had a direct impact on Guru Ji’s mind and emotions.

One day, when he was eight years old, Guru Ji decided to travel along the banks of river Yamuna in the afternoon, accompanied by his two friends with a resolve to become a devotee and seek and achieve supreme love of God like Dhruva, by doing penance and following austerity. After reaching the Bagpat mill, an old lady asked the group, where are they heading towards and scolded them. Guru Ji travelled for about eight kilometers at such a tender age and returned home.

A desire to do satsang and know and realize the god continued to gain strength with the passage of time. He lacked attachment for the materialistic things since the beginning of childhood. Swami Ram Kripal Ji fell ill and his health deteriorated during this period. In selfless service to Swami Ji, he took utmost care and looked after him by spending time with him. He used to take Swami Ji for bathing to the ground at 3:30 in the morning and chanted devotional songs and meditate. He then used to attend school at 8: a.m. and meet Swami Ji after returning from school.

Swami Ji motivating Akhandanand Ji’s father for dedicating him to spirituality:

When Swami Ji used to go for seeking alms and meet Guru Ji’s father, he insisted and requested him that he should unfold the path of spirituality for Guru Ji and allow him to tread on this path as he was deeply engrossed in Satsang and possessed a strong desire to achieve the supreme love of God.  

Love and affection of Guru Ji’s father for his son after meeting Swami Ji:

Looking and observing his experiences such as completing Samskara ceremony, and his interest, devotion and progress in the spiritual path, his father got worried and feared that he might leave his home and stay with Swami Ji. Concerned about the situation, Guru Ji’s father sent him to his elder brother; Shree Ram Sharma Ji’s place at Delhi for education. Guru Ji’s parents were extremely sad as he was the most loved child in the family, being the youngest in the family.

Guru Ji used to visit his home town every Sunday due o which he remained connected to Swami Ji and his devotion towards lord continued to enhance. However, Guru Ji had to face the sad demise of his father when he was just thirteen years old.

Chapter 2 Vairagya Bhav and spiritual experiences of Guru Ji

With the ups and downs of life, Guru Ji started feeling emotionally detached from the world and several questions began pouring in his mind like ‘what is the goal of life as we all have to die one day?’; ‘Who am I and what is the source of my existence?’ and ‘what is the destiny of one’s soul once we die’?

This led to a strong urge to understand the secret of life and death. At this point of time, Guru Ji came across a magazine titled “Kalyan” published from Geeta Press,Gorakhpur which he got from a devotee. Guru Ji felt so good after reading the magazine as if he has found a great resource for getting answers to his questions and he subscribed ‘Kalyan’ from Geeta Press Gorakhpur. The magazine evoked a deep interest in him for reading scriptural texts. Then, Guru Ji began reading scriptural texts regularly, contemplated on their meaning and what message do they actually want to convey and this produced an immense effect on the spiritual life of Guru Ji.

This slowly led to arousal of a sense of detachment or Vairagya in Guru Ji’s mind and heart for materialistic world and spiritual progress was enhanced. During this period, Guru Ji went through a number of scriptural texts such as Ramayana, Geeta, Mahabharata, Puranas, Yoga Upanishads, and teachings and lives of saints such as Ashtavakra Geeta, Yoga-Vashishtha, Shree Maharishi Arvind, Shree Swami Ramsukhdas Ji which became a regular part of Guru Ji’s daily routine.

The desire to attain salvation or freedom from the cycle of birth and death kept on becoming more intense. Guru Ji was highly attached to his mother and regularly used to visit his home for meeting her. In 1984, he started living with his elder brother Shree Babu Ram Sharma Ji.

A near death experience and leaving home in a state of vairagya (detachment)

This incident relates back to 1986. Guru Ji was driving a car when it was stopped at the traffic signal. As it halted, it overturned. Guru Ji felt that death can occur any time, then what is the purpose of our existence? When one dies, he/she departs from this word alone. Nobody will be there with you. All the worldly things will vanish. Then whom can we call our own and who can claim a right on us.? It is a myth that we belong to this world and we own something or someone whom can we call our own. It is a journey which has to be done alone.

Contemplating upon such questions, he left from home. He did not know where he had to go? Suddenly, he reached railway station and boarded a train for Ambala. After reaching Ambala station, he was facing a strange situation. Then, a train going towards Jammu arrived at the station. Only thing he was aware about was that Goddess Vaishno Devi temple was located there. He proceeded for Trikoot Mountains after reaching Jammu station. He was having a thought in mind that he would live in these mountains, that he will renounce the clothes and end the remaining valuables by post to his home. The trikoot mountains in Jammu are covered with dense forests inhabited by wild animals.

After reading ‘Kalyan’ Magazine, the feeling of detachment and Vairagya became further stronger in his mind. Therefore, the feeling of love and affection for the family members had begun to dwindle. Having a vision to become one with the supreme soul, he was determined to either realize his dream or die by becoming a prey of forest animals. Destiny was playing its role and how can anyone change his life’s destiny? As Guru Ji visited the Maa Vaishno Devi temple, his heart was filled with love and affection for his mother. Being the youngest child in the family, he was the most loving child in the family. As his mother had high emotional attachment for Guru Ji, he thought that she would not be able to bear the brunt of his separation and she would lose her life in memory of her son. He thought that it would be one of the biggest sins of his life. Hence, he wanted to return home. He was still in a dilemma even after spending four days in the Trikoot Mountains.

Sight or Darshan of Goddess Vaishno Devi and blessings from the goddess:

When Guru Ji was asleep that night, he was able to see the auspicious sight or Darshana of Goddess Vaishno Devi. She told him to return back home as he still had to experience the effects and bear the fruits of his destiny and her blessings would always guide him in facing the ups and downs in life. Consequently, Guru Ji decided to return home and came back after six days. The whole family was disturbed and there was turmoil in the family. The matter was reported in the media for finding the lost boy.

After Swami Akhandanand Ji reached home, his family was overwhelmed to see him safe and sound. Whenever, he felt sad and upset, he sought solace for self-introspection and prayed to Goddess Bhagwati for guiding him towards the path of spirituality and divine energies and achieve salvation. Due to Goddess Vaishnavi’s blessings, his association with the saints continued afterwards. Simultaneously, he read and contemplated upon the message and meaning of sacred texts written by Kabir, Meera, Raskhan, Soordas, and Tulsidas. He went often for holy visits to sacred places such as Mathura, Vrindavan, Haridwar, and Shukratal and met and received blessings and guidance from various saints from time to time.

One day he thought that even after leaving home why he could not achieve further progress in the path of spirituality and he had to return home? Then, he realized that everyone has to experience the effects of their past karmas, which are ready to be experienced by the present body. Hence, one cannot progress further until one bears the fruits of the destined Karmas themselves in this life.

Performing Anusthanas through the grace and blessings of Goddess Bhagwati

Anusthanas are an intense form of religious prayer involving practice of religious rituals and ceremonies. It is derived from the words ‘Anu’ meaning firm and ‘Sthana’ meaning place. It is associated with the intense form of worship at a place of purity, reading scriptures, doing Japa, and meditating.

Guru Ji was able to perform several Anusthanas lasting for over forty one days by the grace of Goddess Bhagwati and got blessings from Aadi Shakti Bhagwati which laid the foundation for the establishment of Akhanda Mahayoga and helped him in advancing further in the spiritual path.

Visits to holy shrines and meeting spiritually accomplished saints

The same questions once again started provoking curiosity in Swami Akhandanand Ji’s mind about the mystery of life and death. During this period, Guru Ji came across and met various spiritually accomplished masters as he got fortunate to travel to various religious places such as Shukratal, Badrinath, Gangotri, Yamnotri, Kashi, Allahabad, Amarnath, Bodh Gaya etc. He went to Himalayas five times when he could interact with spiritual leaders and authorities on religion and received their blessings. His spiritual path became clearer and laid a firm foundation for spiritual growth.

Darshan of lord Dattatrey in his dreams:

During his third visit to the Himalayas, Guru Ji could have a Darshan (sight of an auspicious deity) of lord Dattatrey while he was asleep and got his blessings. He told him that he would soon find an enlightened Guru. This brought about a ray of hope for Guru Ji. In 1992, the blessing turned out to be a boon in quenching Guru Ji’s thirst for wisdom and knowledge as it culminated into divine experiences and he started getting indications of meeting an enlightened Guru.

In 1992, a sudden and unplanned visit to Maa(Goddess) Vaishno Devi temple in Jammu occurred. After this visit, he regularly went to Maa Vaishno Devi temple for eighteen months for seeking Darshan of the Goddess Vaishmo Devi. During the last visit, he prayed to Goddess Bhagwati that, she being the preserver of the entire universe and nurtures it, help him find a capable Guru, who can provide answers to three questions: ‘Who am I’, ‘What is the source of my existence’ and ‘what is our ultimate destination? These thoughts used to engross Guru Ji and one day, while he was contemplating on such thoughts, hi close friends; Mr. Radheshyam Sharma and Mr. R.P. Sharma came to his office and informed him that it has been decided to appoint him as the member of the ‘Peeth Parishad Delhiwhich is an organization founded by Shree Jagat Guru Shankracharya, Swami Nischlanand Ji Maharaj Saraswati Ji and Swami Ji was going to visit Delhi. From then, Guru Ji dedicated himself in the service of Swami Ji.

As per the destiny, good deeds of previous lives and looking at the attitude of devotion and service of Akhandanand Ji towards him, Jagat Guru Shankracharya Ji Mahara, noticed Swami Akhandanand Ji one day and called him. He asked him questions such as ‘What is your name’, ‘Where do you live? and other questions about his introduction. He was impressed by Guru Ji’s smile. Guru Ji expressed gratitude towards Swami Ji’s grace. On the third day, he requested Maharaj Ji to oblige him by imparting ‘Deeksha’ which is the consecration or prepartion for a religious ceremony, initiated by a Guru through word, touch or chanting of a mantra. It typically includes taking on of a serious spiritual discipline. Swami Ji asked him if he had gained Deeksha from any other Guru before. Then Guru Ji told him about Shree Dandi Swami Ji Maharaj. Initially, Swami Ji didn’t accept his request but finally decided and gave him Deeksha.

Subsequently, spiritual knowledge was enhanced under the guidance of Shreemad Jagat Guru Shankaracharya Ji and Guru Ji travelled to various holy places like Jagannathpuri, Vrindavan, Mathura, Kurukshetra, Aligarh, Allahabad, Kumbh Mela Haridwar and other sacred places along with Swami Ji. Simultaneously, he got an opportunity to meet several revered spiritual leaders which enabled him to advance spiritually.

The responsibility to organize Kumbh Melas at Haridwar, Allahabad, was handed over to him where he used to do seva for the saints. In 1995, Shree Shankaracharya Ji Maharaj established an organization called Aditya Vahini and Swami Ji appointed Shree Akhandanand Ji the convener of this organization.

Every week, activities were being carried out for social welfare. Guru Ji would visit hospitals with a few other members of Aditya Vahini and help the poor and needy patients by arranging medicines. As a symbol of love, he used to offer fruits to patients and enquire about their health. He also inspired the youth for conducting social projects. Impressed by Akhandanand Ji’s concern and generosity towards the poor and organizing social welfare activities, Swami Nischalanand Saraswati Ji appointed him as the association chief of the ‘’Delhi Peeth Parishad’’ where religious and spiritual discussions and measures were undertaken for the benefit of the society. Almost, a period of ten years elapsed in these activities. Akhandanand Ji would make all the arrangements whenever Swami Ji would visit Delhi and benefitted from religious discourses of Swami Ji.

Maharaj Ji’s love and affection for Guru Ji increased as he would spend time with him during Maharaj Ji’s visit to his Vrindavan Ashram, staying there for about eight to ten days. One day, Guru Ji requested Maharaj Ji to write a book on spiritual and religious proverbs. Maharaj Ji accepted his request and wrote the book called ‘Sukti Sudha’ in which he has mentioned that he wrote the book on request of beloved disciple ; Shree Ramesh Bhardwaj Ji.

During this period Guru Ji got an opportunity to meet and interact with various saint such as Shankracharya Ji of Shringeri Peeth and Sharda Peeth, Shree Bharti Teerath Ji, Shree Jagadguru Ramnaresh Acharya Ji of Ramanuj Sampradaya and got their blessings and guidance. When Ramnaresh Acharya Ji Maharaj performed Chaturmas worship in Ashok Vihar in Delhi, then discussions and discourses on Brahama sutra took place for almost three months. Swami Mahanand Brahmachari Ji who had then returned from Mahendra mountain peak after observing and practicing severe austerity also participated in these discourses and he was a fellow disciple of Guru Ji. As a result, Guru Ji continued to receive his blessings and guidance.

He would meet Saint Shreemoni Abhilash Abhilash Das Ji (belonging to Kabir sect of faith) whenever he would visit Delhi and discuss religious issues with him. Swami Akhandanand Ji also got an opportunity to have Darshan (personally meet an auspicous person such as a saint or a deity) of various spiritual authorities such as Shree Vishnu Swaroop Ji Maharaj, Vasudevanand Ji, Khichdi Wale Maharaj, Ramdev Tripathi Ji from Rishikesh, Shree Prabhudas Ji Maharaj of Dudhadhari Ashram, Haridwar, Ramayana Marmagya Swami Ramkinkar Ji Maharaj, Murai Bapu, Ramesh Bhai Ojha, Shree Krupau Ji Maharaj, and various other saints.

From 1993 to 1996, Guru Ji undertook Amarnath yatra several times and took a part in organizing community food services. He would serve food in community food organizations continuously for about fifteen days at a stretch.

Inspiration from discourses of Swami Ramsukh Das Ji Maharaj-

A few days later, Swami Ramsukh Das Ji Maharaj came to Delhi. He was staying in Birla temple in Delhi. In those days, Guru Ji would meet Swami Ramsukh Das Ji at 4 a.m. in the morning and spent time there from morning till evening with Swami Ji. Maharaj Ji woud create an environment of attachment towards lord in the morning through his meaningful discourses on humanity, spirituality and religion.

He used to address everyone and said; ‘you belong to God, you stay with God, there is God everywhere around you and Guru Ji would get absorbed in his divine and blissful discourses. He used to think over, contemplate and enjoy that wisdom.

One day Shree Ramsukhdas Ji Maharaj told one thing which left a deep impression on Guru Ji’s mind and soul. He said that one’s life blossoms when a saint’s teaching deeply impacts a person or, when one is humiliated or abandoned from the family. Swami Ji said that it is important for a human being to be contented with the materialistic world and yearn for more and delve deeper into the spiritual world.

Though the sutra was concise, it had a serious impact. As a consequence, Guru Ji travelled to Haridwar, Shukratal, Nimisharanya, Badrinath, Gangotri, Yamnotri and Kedarnath and various other religious places for finding the truth and seeking god. However, he still remained dissatisfied.

A part of his life was dedicated to social activities and routine affairs while in the remaining time, Guru Ji wondered and thought what if he is not able to achieve and realize the divine truth during his life time. Thinking over this subject, he would go into isolation and used to weep for hours. Meanwhile, once again, a strong desire to read about lives and teachings of Swami Vivekanand, Mahatma Buddha, Shree Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Ashtavakra Ji emerged in Guru Ji’s mind. A miracle happened in his life after reading about these divine souls.

Darshan of lord Shukdev Ji and path of devotion instructed by him:

This incident dates back to 1998 when Guru Ji wnt on a trip for seven days with his fellow disciple (Guru Bhai), ‘Shree Suresh Kaushik Ji’ to Shukratal On the third day, while he was sitting on the Hanumat Dham in Shukratal, he could hav Darshan of lord Shukdev Ji Maharaj and tears started flowing from his eyes and he received Shatipat Deeksha from Shukdev Ji Maharaj in the path of devotion(Shaktipat Deksha is conferring of spiritual energy from Guru to his disciple as an act of grace on the part of Guru for preparing him for the path of religious devotion)

That was a life changing moment for Guru Ji and his heart was always filled with love, and devotion towards God. It led him to gain knowledge of religious rituals and he spent a lot of time singing Bhajans, doing worship and performing Anushthanas of Goddess Bhagvati.

Interest in Naturopathy and Yoga:

In 1995, Guru Ji faced many health problems such as fever, cold intestinal infections which emotionally disturbed his mind and he feared that he may not be able to realize the supreme lord and may lose his life without achieving this goal. Hence, during the course of treatment, he found that we should learn to live with nature. Naturopathy became a part of his life and he learnt the science of Naturopathy from the well known Naturpathy Doctor, ‘Acharya Sheshadri Nathan Ji’ and gained a lot of knowledge from ‘Swami Jagdishwaranand Ji’, another one of the reputed naturopathy consultant. Guru Ji observed a significant change in his life and other people also after following the Naturopathy course of treatment.

He did a three year Naturopathy course from Rajghat and a aDiploma in Yoga which set a new stage in his life in the field of yoga.

He then did a foundation course in yoga from Morarji Desai Institute in Delhi. During the course, the faculty at Morarji Desai told that he didn’t need any training in yoga as he was a Hatha Yogi, who already knew a lot about yoga and possessed much deeper knowledge imparted by the institute. They used to honour Guru Ji by calling him on the stage to teach the kriyas which proved beneficial for the students.

His life continued moving with the passage of time. Teachings and wisdom of Swami Ramsukh Das Ji Maharaj continuously inspired Guru Ji to move forward in life. He remained in touch with Swami

Ram such Das Ji Maharaj. Guru Ji was there with Swami Ramsukh Das Ji even a week before Swami Ji passed away. His last wish before death was that no school, college, hospital or temple has been built in his name and hence, one should not try to do this even after his death. Thus his last wish is an inspiration for all to overcome our ego.

Chapter 3 Kundalalini Yoga and Shaktipaat Deeksha

Bonding and Association with Swami Ramaswaroop Ji Maharaj:

A new miracle happened in Guru Ji’s life in 1992. It is believed that that when god showers his blessings on a person, he is driven to the predetermined destination. One of the Guru BhaI (Fellow Disciple) of Guru Ji,’Shree Suresh Kaushik Ji’ took him along for meeting various saints such as Khichdi Wale Baba from Shukratal, Shree Kalyandev Ji and Brahamachari Ji from Dandi Ashrama and then, Guru Ji met highly revered Guru Shreee Ramswaroop Ji Maharaj who was living in a cottage in Kedi Village of Shyamali region. It was a blissful experience for Guru Ji and he could feel the Swami Ji’s divine persona around. Swami Ji used to meditate and remain in a state of Samadhi. After seeing Swami Ji, Guru Ji became tranquil and his mind became calm.

He became curious and thought if he should seek answers to his questions from Maharaj Ji or request him for obliging with the Shaktipat Deeksha. After a while, he asked for help from Kaushik Ji by requesting Maharaj Ji to grant him Deeksha. However, Kaushik Ji denied any fruitful discussion on this matter. After a few days, Guru Ji came to know that Ram Swaroop Ji Maharaj was not an ordinary saint, and that he was a Mahayogi. This further raised the curiosity of Guru Ji and he started frequently travelling to Shukratal for many days during a month. He used to walk for several miles in the remote and isolated areas of jungles where saints would be doing Tapasya (engaged in the practice of austerity) for gaining an insight into their views and discussed matters related to spirituality with them. This was a further positive step in the path of spiritual freedom.

Kundalini Yoga and Shaktipat Deeksha:

One day, Guru Ji again insisted Kaushik Ji to request Maharaj Ji (Swami Ram Swaroop Maharaj Ji) to oblige him with Deeksha. After Guru Ji repeatedly insisted Kaushik Ji agreed for the same. When they met Maharaj Ji, then Maharaj Ji asked him, why do you want Yoga Deeksha, you have plenty of time. However, upon insistence from Guru Ji, Maharaj Ji agreed when he told him that there is limited time and it is difficult to find saints and Mahayogis like him. This can be understood to occur due to the virtue of past deeds, and divine or Guru’s grace.

Ram Swaroop Maharaj Ji called him in a room and asked him to sit in a special yogic posture or Mudra involving the hands and the body and gave him Prasad and a mantra to chant. After sitting in the mudra for almost three hours, Guru Ji’s entire body became stiff and it started aching. Actually, it was a process of cleansing of the Naadis which are the channels in the body comprising nerves, blood vessels, through which prana, or the energies of the physical body, the subtle body and causal body flow.

Guru Ji began to think that it was a huge trouble and he would never return to this place and meet Swami Ji again. After almost three hours, when Swami Ji called Guru Ji, and asked if anything happened i.e. if he had any physical or other experience, Guru Ji answered that he did not feel anything different. In an angry tone Swami Ji said ‘’People come here and talk about doing yoga and Dhyana(meditation). But their body is not prepared for Dhyana or meditation. Their Naadis are

saturated with toxins and look, one person (referring to Guru Ji) has come from Delhi and says he would do Dhyana’’. He told him to sit on an Asana.

Kabir Ji says that a capable guru makes his disciple as capable as himself just like mercury turns iron into gold when both come into contact. Then, Swami Ram Swaroop Ji Maharaj transferred Shaktipat Deeksha to Guru Ji through physical touch.

Akhandanand Ji laid unconscious for almost three days after the Shaktipat. On the third day, when he became conscious, Swami Ji opened the treasure of his knowledge for Shree Akhandanand Ji and through his divine pravachana revealed all the secrets of life and answers to Guru Ji’s questions. Guru Ji realized that nothing remained to be known and he got an answer to all his questions. Divine grace of Swami Ji was bestowed on Guru Ji and he became absolutely peaceful and blissful. He also instructed Guru Ji to engage in Satsang whenever he sees and finds any opportunity for it.

Swami Ji’s blessings constantly embraced Guru Ji’s life. Whatever happened later, it can’t be mentioned in this text as they are matters of great secret and can’t be disclosed. The whole body was purified by the kriyas and the mudras given by Swami Ji and Guru Ji was able to enter deep into Sadhana due to which ‘Drashta bhav’ or the concept of soul witnessing the mind and the body through realization of separation of the body matter and real self was made possible. Being dedicated in the service of Maharaj Ji, and regular interaction with him, Swami Ji disclosed all the significant secrets about divine powers and soul and enabled Guru Ji to become a Guru or a master himself.

Development of detachment towards the physical body and life:

A strong sense of detachment towards the physical body led to loss of fear of death and a feeling of contributing for the benefit of the society started gaining strength. Hence, one day a thought came in Guru Ji’s mind that the physical body is going to destroy, hence why should we have attachment towards this body.

If after death, it can be useful for someone else, that will be a great deed of generosity. Therefore, on November 5th, 2008, he decided and informed Organ Retrieval Banking Organisation (ORBO) , A.I.I.M.S , Ansari Nagar, New Delhi to donate his organs after his death. A.I.I.I. M.S accepted his request. Our life becomes meaningful and purposeful when one works selflessly for the sake of others.

Swami Ramswaroop Ji always told Guru Ji to do satsang wherever it is being consucted. In this way, the puzzles and questions of life started resolving. And hence constantly, the growth in knowledge was enhanced and Guru Ji’s whole life changed.

A proverb by Saint Kabir is narrated in the following way:

Bade Bhagya Manus Tan Pava,

Sur Durlabh Sab Granthni Gava

It means I am a soul and not this body. The body is just a place where the soul resides. He further says the exemplary and extraordinary grace of Guru can’t be described even if we assume all the forests to be the written text, all the oceans to be the ink and all the earth as the paper on which

something can be written. Swami Ramswaroop Ji laid down the direction for creation of Akhand Mahayog after which Guru Ji went on several spiritual journeys which continued later on. Many saints have tried explaining Naad Surat in different ways. Guru Ji’s curiosity towards this subject increased but after receiving Shatipat Deeksha from Swami Ji, it led to spiritual perfection or enlightenment on its own. Some doubts which were still remaining were cleared when Guru Ji attended the Sadhna of Shree Data Dayal Ji for nine days whose disciple was Shree Pandit Fakir Chand Ji from Hoshiarpur.

Inspiration, grace and guidance of Maha Avtar Baba:

In 2001, Akhandanand Ji got associated with Yogda Satsang Society. The society organized a tour to Maha Avatar Baba’s cave which is located in the Dronagiri mountains and hence he got a golden change and was fortunate to visit this sacred and divine place. As per the plan, the group had to reach there on 25th July. However, he reached the destination along with a few other members one day before the schedule on 24th July. Swami Akhandanand Ji felt extremely peaceful upon reaching there and his Shaktipat Kriyas became more intense and powerful. The effect of the place was so soothing and blissful that he did not want to leave that place. However, staying there was prohibited. A place called Pandu Kholi which is Balwant Ji Maharaj’s residing place is located three kilometers above the Maha Avtar Baba’s cave. It is believed that pandavas stayed at this place during the tenure of their Agyaat vaas (A time period during which they had to conceal their identity; else again they would have been sent to exile), hence the place is called Pandu Kholi. It is a beautiful and exotic place situated in a secluded area in the natural beauty and greenery of the forests amidst mountain ranges surrounding it from all the sides. Many Ayurvedic medicinal herbs are found there.

It is believed that Pandu Kholi is that part of Dronagiri which lord Hanuman had lifted. While Bharat Ji was placing it down, a portion of that mountain fell in this region due to which the region is covered by many medicinal herbs.

Three local residents of Dronagiri offered food to Guri Ji in the night in devotion as seva (service with a loving attitude) and Guru Ji accepted their request to stay at Balwant Ji Maharaj’s prayer and meditation spot.(Dhoona). During the night, he was able to meet Balwant Ji Maharaj and other saints who further opened the doors of spiritual wisdom and secrets to Guru Ji. When a person is blessed with divine grace, the first thing that starts happening is getting in touch and developing contact with saints.

Those who had accompanied Guru Ji to the cave informed the people in Ashram that he was left alone or behind in the cave. Everyone got worried and tensed as the cave was located in dense forests and it was inhabited by a variety of wild animals. The next day, Guru Ji left for Maha Avtar Baba cave but lost his way. As he did not know the route of the cave, and it was a dense forest, when he started travelling, he saw wild monkeys jumping on the trees; He thought that he should return back.

He started climbing back. That moment, a thought struck his mind that this body is going to destroy one day at the time of death. Then why to be afraid of death. Only the soul is immortal and actually I am not this body, but a soul. Only the soul remains in its original form forever. He remembered Maha Avtar Baba and proceeded further. It took him two hours to reach the cave due to the rains. Upon reaching there, his heart was filled with boundless love and peace and Maha Avtar Baba’s grace was bestowed upon Guru Ji forever.

Even till date, Guru Ji has remained connected to the cave and blessings of Maha Avtar Baba continue to guide him. Whenever, he wishes, he visits the cave and experience and comes across mystical and transcendental experiences and the journey of yoga sadhna is still underway.

Everyone was surprised to see Guru Ji when they reached the cave and were curious to know about his journey and were repeatedly asking him about all the details of the journey. They were amazed and were touching him to reassure themselves that he was alive. But Guru Ji was not willing to talk to anyone and he was totally absorbed in the experiences he had at the Maha Avtar Baba’s cave. The state of ‘chitta vritti Nirodhwas achieved. The modifications of the mind leading to disturbances in the mind ar known as chitta vritti. Chitta means mind and vrittis are the modification or the disturbances. The word Niroddha means calming down completely. Hence the word Chitta Vritti Nirodha means calming down of modifications of the mind completely which brings about tranquility. There is union with our inner divinity.

He remained in a state of Unmuni for almost three days. Unmuni is a state where the sadhak (a student of meditation) feels that he isn’t either asleep or aware , either conscious or unaware , either he owns something or renounces, in that state the knowledge of what exists or not is reflected in the sadhak. At that moment, permeated and attuned to the Prana, he becomes very happy. In the scriptures this state is called “Unmuni’. This occurs as a result of the effect of the place and the body after which Goddess Bhagwati brought him to the place where the institution oft Mahayaog Shaktipaat originated,In 1961, The shaktipaat Deeksha was conceptualized by Swami Omkaranand Ji which was passed on the successive gurus according to the Guru-Shishya tradition or parampara. Hence, on reaching the Dronagiri mountain, the kriyas became more intense and powerful and Guru Ji became ecstatic. He totally surrendered himself at the divine feet of Goddess Bhagwati. The temple of Goddess Dronagiri is located at the Dronagiri mountains. When Guru Ji went there, on the fourth day, his ‘prana shakti’ or the life energy transcended the Naadis and the chakras (centers of vital pranic energy composed of and represented by different elements like earth, water, fire, air, space, and ether which are located at different parts of the body) merging with the consciousness of physical, subtle and the causal body and he remained in a state of ‘’turiya’’, the state of pure consciousness that underlies and transcends the three common states of consciousness of waking consciousness, dream and deep sleep. He hence remained in a state of bliss for a very long time. It is manifested in the form of very subtle and simultaneously dynamic body, and breath movements which was accomplished by the blessings of Goddess Bhagwati and the path directed by the highly revered Guru Goraksnath Baba Ji. It was a blissful experience that is unforgettable and Guru Ji’s heart and soul still gets highly ecstatic when he remembers that divine experience. Life was moving at its own pace in that particular direction. He continued to follow the practice of Yama (rules of social conduct), Niyama (rules to follow for self restrain, Asana (body postures), Pranayam (regulation of breathing to affect the mind), Pratyahar or withdrawal of energy from the senses) Dharana (focusing of the mind on a particular object), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (trance obtained by the practice of Dhyana and the mind becomes still) described by sage Patanjali in yoga sutras.

Guru’s command or instructions:

Guru Ji lacked interest in his business from the very beginning and he did not like the deceitful world but his spiritual inclination continued without any hindrance. He used to visit Swami Ram Swaroop Ji Maharaj in between for three to four days and learn new kriyas and mudras from him. Life kept on moving with the passage of time and he could observe and realize the ‘atman or the true self ‘. His affection and attachment towards the world had considerably diminished and he wanted to renounce everything and surrender himself for the service of the god. Looking at these circumstances, Swami Ji advised Guru Ji to take care of his family responsibilities first and after he fulfills them, he can go on the path of renunciation. Till then, he should continue his Mahayog Sadhana.

Through Inspiration from and grace of Swami Ji, Guru Ji’s life was fulfilled with various divine powers one could ever imagine. On October 24, 2009, on the occasion of Sharad Poornima, Swami Ram Swaroop Ji Maharaj’s soul departed from the physical body (meaning death) and merged with the supreme soul or Parmatma. Almost six months before this incident, Guru Ji was going to meet Avdhoot Ji Maharaj when Swami Ji asked him where was he going. He had never asked such a question ever before. After remaining silent for a while, Swami Ji told him to definitely visit SShree Avdhoot Ji Maharaj. He is a great saint. When Guru Ji met Avdhoot Ji Maharaj, Avdhoot Ji told him that he had met Swami Ram Swaroop Ji Maharaj almost seventy years ago. He was a doctor at that time.

Even today, the future path and direction of life is being set by Swami Ji because Swami Ji had given a task to Guru Ji before his death. That task is now being accomplished and association with Shree Avdhoot Ji Maharaj, is a source of inspiration even till date. Hence, the motivation of spiritual growth that was instilled by Swami Ramsukh Das Ji was being manifested in reality.

Brief about Guru Gorakshnath Baba and Nath Sampradaya:

Akhandanand Ji’s Guru Shree Ram Swaroop Ji Maharaj was a Hatha Yogi and According to the Guru-Shishya Parampara (the Guru-disciple lineage), Swami Akhandanand Ji belongs to the holy community of Nath Sampradaya. Guru Gorakshnath was one of the greatest proponents of the Nath Sampradaya and one of the two disciples of Swami Matsyendranath Ji.

The Sanskrit word nātha , is the proper name of a siddha initiatory tradition and the word itself literally means “lord, protector, refuge”. The related Sanskrit term Adi Natha means first or original Lord, and is therefore a synonym for Shiva, Mahadeva, or Maheshvara, and beyond these supramental concepts, the Supreme Absolute Reality, Parama Brahman, as the basis supporting all aspects and manifestations of consciousness.

The Natha Sampradaya tradition and lineage is a heterodox siddha tradition containing many sub-lineage. It was founded by Guru (Master) Matsyendranatha Ji and further developed by Guru Gorakshanatha Babaji. These two individuals are also revered in Tibetan Buddhism as Mahasiddhas (great adepts) and are credited with great powers and perfected spiritual attainment. The Nath has been known to lead like a Mother. Amongst the variety of the numerous ascetic traditions existing in India, the Lineage of Nathas is the one of most ancient and remarkable.

The first Guru, who has told the Natha doctrine for disciple Matsyendranatha was Shiva in the form of Adinatha. Then Matsyendranatha transferred doctrine to Gorakshanatha. The latter came to eclipse his Master in importance in many of the branches and sub-lineages of the Natha Sampradaya order. Even today, Shree Gorakshanatha is considered by many to have been the most influential of the ancient Nathas. He is also reputed to have written the first books dealing with Laya Yoga and the raising of the Kundalini-Shakti.

Mahayogi Gorakshanatha has established and developed yoga which are now practiced all over the world. Many scientists assigned of creation of tradition to 5-12th century A.D.; but as a rule all data are very contradictory. Gorakshanatha and other great Yogis are respected by Nathas as realized kaya-siddhi and attained immortality.

It was Gorakshanatha that developed the Hathaa-yoga which are known as well as kaya-sadhana, pinda-sadhana, etc. He also is known as great master of Tantra and miracle-worker. Gorakshanatha is justly considered as the founder of Hathaa-yoga.

The Natha Sampradaya is an initiatory Guru-shishya tradition. Membership in the Sampradaya is always conferred by initiation (diksha) by a Diksha-guru — either the lineage-holder or another member of the Sampradaya whose ability to initiate has been recognized by his diksha-guru. The Natha initiation itself is conducted inside a formal ceremony in which some portion of the awareness and spiritual energy (shakti) of the Guru is transmitted to the shishya (student). The neophyte, now a Natha, is also given a new name with which to support their new identity.

In accordance with Śri Guru Gorakṣa Nātha, the Divine Power exists in her two states, one is dormant (as sleeping) and other is awakened. When she remains asleep, she appears as coiled serpent who sleeps at the Mūlādhāra chakra situated at base of the spine. After she became awakened by the yogic techniques, she moves up through the middle channel Sushumna (Suṣumṇa) to the Sahasrāra chakra,

which is her final destination. In the process of her journey, she is passing through chakras and becoming united with her consort Shiva on the each level of her journey.

When she is not awakened, she appears in all her glory as the Power of illusion or Māyā, which having the nature of three Gunās, by which all this complex reality comes into existence. Without her, this world would not exist, but as side effect of her activity, she keeps people in ignorance of their own true nature.

After she becomes awakened, she turns into her own opposite, from Māyā, the power of illusion pushing into ignorance, she becomes Yoga Māyā, the power of yogic transformation delivering from it. Then she is known as the Great Goddess Kundalini, who takes yogi beyond of all his limitations. Once she became awakened, she makes her appearance to yogi, and takes care of his salvation, taking him by so-called ‘the Short path’ also known as Śaktipā

Blessings of Guru Gorakhnath Baba and command for Guruji:

Being a Hatha Yogi himself and attaining Shaktipat Diksha in Kundilini from Shree Ram Swaroop Ji Maharaj, the life of Guru Ji is dedicated to Guru Gorakshnath Baba (The founder of Hatha Yoga ) It is a command from Baba that the existence of Kundalini Mahayoga knowledge is losing its relevance in this world. The time has come to reveal it to the world. It is a tedious and long journey which is full of hurdles and obstacles. It is difficult to achieve something quickly on this path. The whole life of an individual becomes meaningless and goes waste; hence one should strive to do acts of social welfare and charity and work for the benefit of the people around us and this path should be utilized for this purpose. Guru Ji says that he has no existence of his own. And whatever knowledge he has got, he owes everything to Guru Gorakshnath Baba. Whatever is happening it is all due to the blessings of Guru Gorakhsnath Baba. He is so humble to say that he is just a small medium for accomplishing the task prescribed by Gorakshnath Baba. His life is all devoted to the holy feet of Maa Bhagwati and Baba. Hence, Guru Ji feels that he is blessed with the fortune of being selected by Swami Ram Saroop Ji Maharaj for the noble purpose of spreading peace and happiness in the world.

People who believe that this world is their own and get attached to it have to undergo and suffer from extreme miseries, pain and sorrow due to their ego. And he says that he is well acquainted wih this fact. He adds on that his most revered and beloved Guru Shree Ram Swaroop Ji Maharaj dedicated his entire life to save and protect people from this pain and to enrich their lives with the joy, bliss and knowledge of the supreme god so that they can experience their true self and become one with the god. Hence, with a loving attitude, he welcomes you to this journey through the medium of ‘Akhanda Mahayog’ on behalf of his revered Guru.

Therefore, Akhanda Mahayog is being created for the noble cause of social and public welfare as per the directions and instructions of Swami Ji (Shree Ram Swaroop Ji Maharaj). Guru Gorakshnath Baba had given a command that Kundalini knowledge has been vanishing in the world and it is Akhandanand Ji’s duty to reveal it for the benefit of the society. After getting instructions from Guru him, Akhandananand Ji has sacrificed and abandoned everything else and has resolved to work with full devotion for this noble cause and whatever time he gets after his sadhana, he spends and utilizes it for writing literature and self studies. He is working whole-heartedly with full devotion for the benefit of the society, the needy people and for seva (service) of the various creatures such as animals and birds. All this work on Kundalini Shakti which is a science of blissful life and wealful death is being revealed through the source of Akhand Mahayog. Guru Ji wants to help and do social welfare from the bottom of his heart and wishes that everyone stays happy and joyful, free from sufferings and sorrows of the world. He prays to the preserver and the nurturer of the entire universe, Maa Bhagvati and Gorakshnath Baba sothat they shove their blessings and grace on you and accept you as sadhak at their holy feet so that your life can truly become meaningful and you can unite with the supreme soul. This would facilitate speedy progress on the path of spirituality and enable union of ‘atman’ (soul) with ‘Brahman’ or the supreme divine consciousness.

With this note, Guru Ji’s conveys his well wishes to everyone.

!! Hari Om Tatsat !!